Clusters in the Circular Economy

Katarzyna Czop News

The change of mindsets, development of new circular business models, products and services as a consequence of the growing focus on circular economy is a complicated task.

Accordingly, project Circular PP in cooperation with Cluster Excellence Denmark developed and published a booklet, that provides a mapping of possibilities for SMEs, tools and approaches to move towards more sustainable business models. The booklet “Clusters in the Circular Economy” provides interviews and best practice cases from municipalities working with circular public procurement in Sweden, Latvia and Denmark to enhance circular change lead by public sector. Hereby clusters from across Europe are key in driving the transformation of SMEs towards circularity.

The booklet and Circular PP project was introduced and presented in several international events around Europe as EREK International Ressource Efficiency Conference in Brussels, 22nd TCI Network Global Conference in Antwerp and Nordic Cluster Meetup in Malmo. Besides that, is was published on European Cluster Collaboration Platform that reaches out to over 1000 registered clusters in Europe. Finally, it reached huge outreach and attention on Social media platforms as LinkedIn page of the Cluster Excellence Denmark, and Circular PP project LinkedIn and Facebook pages.

Brussels, 26 September2019, @vivianhertz

 “The topic and the timing of the booklet ‘Clusters in the Circular Economy’ has been excellent. The booklet has had and is still having high interest around Europe. From cluster managers to relevant policy makers” Says Kaspar Nielsen, Chief Project Manager at Cluster Excellence Denmark.

Kaspar Nielsen
Brussels, 26 September2019, @vivianhertz

The brochure is available here.