Associated organisations

As a part of the Circular PP project, 21 associated organisations from 7 countries have stated their interest in supporting and making use of the capacity building activities that will be provided through the project. With this, the organisations stresses the need for the support, and intends to make use of the support and guidance offered, to assist public authorities and businesses with the implementation of circular procurement.

The organisations have stated an interest in one or more of the following statements:

  • Making use of learning opportunities within the project.
  • Involvement in the training.
  • Support in dissemination activities.
  • Undertaking circular procurement pilots by delivering a call for tenders including circular criteria in various fields.
  • Joining the mentoring programme to get support for upcoming procurements.

The associated organisations consists of small and medium enterprises, sectoral agencies, local & regional public authorities, business support organisations, higher education and research institutions and international organisations. If you want to know more about the different organisations, click on their names below: