Infographic 3- Circular Tenders Criteria

Katarzyna Czop News

For a circular tender there are six aspects to consider when planning the purchase of a product or service. Starting at the top of the infographic, procurers have to answer a few questions iconography for each of the six aspects.

For example, these are questions about the smartness of a  product: Is it necessary to buy a given product? Can we use product more intensively? Or questions about the lifetime model: how much energy and raw materials will a products or service consume? Is there a guarantee on lifetime? Another aspect to pay attention to is the service and maintenance guaranteed by the vendor or manufacturer: : how to deal with small repairs? Can a product be disassembled easily? The aspect of reuse can be considered by asking for leasing options or using second-hand products. Similarly, the aspects of remanufacturing  and recycling involves asking about the possibility of processing materials used in the production of the ordered product .