The 5th Scientific Conference “Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective” takes place on 12-13 October 2020 at the Rzeszow University of Technology.
The aim of the Conference is to contribute to scientific and expert discussion on energy policy, energy security, and the wider energy sector.
We plan that the subject matter of the 5th Conference will be a continuation of the scientific discussion undertaken so far in previous editions and will try to answer further questions which have remained unanswered.
At the same time, they recognise the changing political, economic and technological conditions, and we will discuss energy projects that can be a lever for economic development. We look for answers on how to create sources of competitive advantage by the state as well as by companies.
Applications for participation will be accepted until 15 May 2020 and 25 September 2020 (passive participation)
The previous four Conferences were attended by 760 participants representing 43 research centers, 3450 students and nearly 13000 Internet users. Among the participants we hosted 31 representatives of public administration, as well as 90 representatives of energy companies.
Further information available here.