Raising awareness seminars in City of Malmö

Elżbieta Szczygieł News

On 19th October, the City of Malmö arranged an awareness raising seminar on the importance of Circular Economy. The participants focused on waste management problems, and it was an opportunity to exchange ideas and propositions, and to discuss already existing initiatives on CE. The seminar was opened by mayor of Malmö – Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh – who encouraged all participants to try a new solution to challenges. The seminars will be organized periodically: the next two events will be held on 5th November and on 21st November. On 5th of November,  the event will be held in City of Göteborg. The main subject will be related with the program “Circular Göteborg”. During the event six companies will present their circular business models and share challenged and successes. The third awareness raising seminar (21st of November) will be held in City of Malmö. This seminar, led by Circular PP mentors, will focus on using tools and guidelines to conduct a circular procurement.