What is the state of the art of circular public procurement?

Elżbieta Szczygieł News

Within the CircularPP project, the state of the art of circular public procurement report was elaborated.  This study presents the current policies and practices related to circular public procurement (CPP) in the partnering countries of CircularPP. In addition, the main existing gaps and the lines of action that are to be set as a priority in the following years concerning Circular economy (CE), Circular Public Procurement (CPP) and Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) are identified. The report presents also an overview for the legal environment of Circular public procurement in Europe and in Russia.

This report presents an overview of CPP best practice cases in the BSR countries and in-depth analysis of 5 case studies. Furthermore the report presents the circular public procurement criteria currently used in calls for tender in partnering countries and the EU area. Results are based on the analysis of the actual calls for tender and examples of circular criteria and/or aspects that were used in the documents.

Finally this report provides recommendations on how circular economy can be integrated in public procurement procedures.

The report is available on Work Packages section or directly here.